Integer vel nisl varius, finibus orci et, congue sapien fusce.
Suspendisse magna nisi, varius ut risus in, porta aliquet nunc.
Etiam augue leo, ultrices. Suspendisse magna nisi, varius ut aliquet nunc.
Nam at varius ut dignissim lorem, in condimentum leo. Vestibulum eget.
Sed vel odio sapien. Vivamus feugiat faucibus enim dapibus.
Etiam metus, tempor quis, sollicitudin sit amet magna cursus vehicula.
Donec risus elit, facilisis at vel vulputate sit amet, hac finibus nec purus.
Fusce ac nulla diam. Nulla facilisi. Donec accumsan est nec laoreet.
Vivamus feugiat faucibus enim dapibus. In hac est habitasse dictumst.
Hollywood Smile
Treatments during the year
Zirconium Crowns
Treatments during the year
Dental Implant
Treatments during the year
Braces Treatment
Treatments during the year
2006 by a team having 26 years of dentistry experience, is today, the largest and leading dental group
providing service in 20 dental hospitals in Turkey and Europe. With its 250 dentists and its staff of 750
Turquoisedent invites you to its hospitals in Istanbul, the city that connects 2
continents, to realize your dream at affordable prices and besides, to discover this unique city.
Turquoisedent has provided healthier and more aesthetical smiles to
more than 3 millions patients in its clinics equipped with the latest and best technological apparatuses.
Since a retainer must be worn during the day initially, this is incredibly advantageous for anyone who is looking forward to showing off their newly straight smile. Other benefits of a clear retainer include:
Mon-Wed: 8am – 7pm
Thursday: 8am – 9pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Make an Appointment
Online Schedule