Staff Bios

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Prof.Dr.Bülent Ünal



Area of interest

*Liver transplant
*Kidney transplant
*Oncological surgery
*Hepatopancreatobiliary surgery
*Gastrointestinal system surgery
*Endocrine surgery
*Breast surgery
*Oncoplastic surgery


*M.Sc. Faculty of Medicine Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine – 1996
*PhD/S. General Surgery Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital – 2001


*Rize General Practitioner, Fındıklı Central Health Center Specialist, 1996-1997
*Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Asian Doctor 1997-2001
*Ankara Training and Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Specialist 2001-2002

*Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital Ankara Head of General Surgery 2002-2007
*İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Surgery Asst. Assoc. 2007-2010
*İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya Surgical Oncology Minor Specialist 2012
*Inonu University Faculty of Medicine Malatya Associate Professor of General Surgery 2010-2015
*İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Carrahi
Professor 2015-2017
*Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir Department of General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Senior Professor 2017-2021
*Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Medicine Istanbul General Surgery – Professor of Organ Transplantation 2021 –

Prof.Dr.Bülent Ünal


Liver Transplantation

Treatments during the year.


Kidney Transplantation

Treatments during the year.


Pancreas Transplantation

Treatments during the year.


Breast Surgery

Treatments during the year.

Biography details

Overseas Experience

*In the United States, as a National Cancer Institute Short-Term Scientist for 10
months, sentinel node applications and ductoscopy training in breast cancer, with
the National Cancer Institute’s Research Scholarship Scholarship at Surgical
Oncology Clinic, Magee-Womens Hospital of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
.2008 (10 months)
*Transplantation and Oncology Surgery Training at the University of Giessen-Marburg, Germany, 2010 (1 month)


*2003 Turkish Surgical Society-Sanofi Pharma Thrombosis Research Foundation 7th
Research Project Competition incentive award.
*“Insulin resistance and the importance of VEGF-C in breast cancer lymph node
metastasis: Prospective Clinical Study”.
*2005 Oral Presentation “Third Prize”. National Geriatrics Congress, Antalya.
*”Factors affecting mortality and morbidity in elderly patients with Fournier’s
*2007 Oral Presentation “Second Prize”. National Breast Congress, Ankara.
*“Vascular endothelial growth factors; Is postmastectomy a risk factor for
*2008 AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) Scholar-in-Training Award.
San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, USA.
**“The Predictive Probabilty of Four Different Breast Cancer Nomograms for Non
Sentinel Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Positive Sentinel Node Biopsy”.
*2009 Pilot Grant Award. 6th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to
Breast Cancer, Santa Monica, California, USA.
*“Autoflourescence Ductoscopy for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer”.
*During Professorship and Associate Professorship:
*2013 1000. Liver Transplant Excellence Certificate. April 2013.
*2013 Best poster presentation award “Massive Hemorrhage fromRetropancreatic
Portal Vein as a Complication of Thromboendovenectomy and Control with
BalloonCatheterTamponade during Liver Transplantation.13. International Euroasian
Congress of Surgery and Gastroenterology” Bucharest, Romania.


*M.Sc. Faculty of Medicine Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine – 1996
*PhD/S. General Surgery Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital – 2001


*Rize General Practitioner, Fındıklı Central Health Center Specialist, 1996-1997
*Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Asian Doctor 1997-2001
*Ankara Training and Research Hospital Ankara General Surgery Specialist 2001-2002

*Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital Ankara Head of General Surgery 2002-2007
*İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Surgery Asst. Assoc. 2007-2010
*İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya Surgical Oncology Minor Specialist 2012
*Inonu University Faculty of Medicine Malatya Associate Professor of General Surgery 2010-2015
*İnönü University Faculty of Medicine Malatya General Carrahi
Professor 2015-2017
*Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Eskişehir Department of General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Senior Professor 2017-2021
*Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Medicine Istanbul General Surgery – Professor of Organ Transplantation 2021 –

Other Doctor


Liver transplant
Kidney transplant
Hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery
Gastrointestinal system surgery
Minimally invasive surgery
Breast endocrine surgery


Liver surgery
Pancreatic surgery
Bile duct surgery
Laparoscopic surgery