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closely follows and applies every advancement in medicine to its practice. It offers treatments that take full advantage of current medical technology to address issues linked to gynaecology, pregnancy, childbirth, and prenatal care.
The services offered by the department of Turquoise Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology have always been first in Turkey, along with the country’s first IVF facility. This aspect, which also offers the benefit of coordinated work, has allowed for incredibly successful applications in fields like infertility (infertility) treatment, psychological counselling services, genetic examination (PGT) of embryos used in IVF procedures, diagnosis and treatment of recurrent miscarriages, and prenatal (prenatal) diagnosis and monitoring of high-risk pregnancies.
The skilled neonatal team at Turquoise Medical gives babies, the most precious possession of families, meticulous attention from the time of birth.
The Turquoise Medical neonatal team will provide pieces of training during the hospitalization period to minimize any issues that might arise at home. Collaboration with the Turquoise Medical Diet and Diet Department is done for consulting services relating to the mother’s nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Treatments during the year.
Treatments during the year.
Treatments during the year.
Vaginal flow, bleeding, disorders, pain.
Smear test regularly.
Removing the mass by laser or open surgical methods or removal of the womb.
Smear test, ultrasonography.
Our Hospital provide the highest quality care to improve the health of our entire community through innovation, collaboration, service excellence, diversity and a commitment to patient safety