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Dr. Sinem Özbay Özyılmaz



Area of interest

*Coronary Angiography
*Cardiac battery
*Congenital heart disease
*Heart valve disease interventions
*Rheumatic heart disease
*Treatment of heart failure
*Treatment of hyperlipidemia
*Hypertension Treatment


*2007: Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate
*2012: Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology,


*2007-2012: Faculty of Medicine, University of Uludag
(specialization in cardiology), research assistant
*2012-2016: Istanbul Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Training and Research Hospital Mehmet Akif Ersoy (cardiology
specialist), specialist
*2016-2017: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Biruni
(medical specialist in cardiology), specialist

Dr. Sinem Özbay Özyılmaz


Pacemaker Surgery

Treatments during the year.


Heart Valve İnterventions

Treatments during the year.


Coronary Angiography

Treatments during the year.


Heart Failure Treatment

Treatments during the year.

Biography details

Area of interest

*Coronary Angiography
*Cardiac battery
*Congenital heart disease
*Heart valve disease interventions
*Rheumatic heart disease
*Treatment of heart failure
*Treatment of hyperlipidemia
*Hypertension Treatment

Academic Articles

*Özyılmaz S, Püşüroğlu H. Evaluation of the relationship between microwave T
alternation based on ambulatory electrocardiography and predicted risk score for
sudden cardiac death at 5 years in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
*Anatol J. Cardiol. 2018 Sep;20(3):165-173. doi:
*Ozyilmaz S, Akgul O, Uyarel H, Pusuroglu H, Karayakalı M, Gul M, Cetin M,
Satilmisoglu H, Yildirim A, Bakir I. Assessing the association between the presence
of a fragmented QRS and the predicted risk score of sudden heart disease Death at
five years in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Anatol J. Cardiol.
2017;18:54-61. doi: 10.14744/AnatolJCardiol.2017.7593.
*Ozyilmaz S, Akgul O, Uyarel H, Pusuroglu H, Gul M, Satilmisoglu MH, Bolat I,
Ozyilmaz I, Uçar H, Yildirim A, Bakir I. The importance of the neutrophil/lymphocyte
ratio in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Rev. Port Cardiol. 2017;36:239-
246. doi: 10.1016/j.repc.2016.09.014.
*Ozyilmaz S, Alişir MF, Serdar OA, Uzaslan E. The value of coronary artery calcium
score in the early diagnosis of coronary artery disease in patients with stable
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Anatol J Cardiol 2015;25:592-597,
DOI:10.5152/AnatolJ Cardiol.2015.6020.
*Ozyilmaz S, Satilmisoglu MH, Gul M, Uyarel H, Serdar OA. Assessing the association
between serum uric acid level and predicted five-year risk score for sudden cardiac
death in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Archives of the Turkish Society
of Cardiology. 2018.
*Satilmisoglu MH, Ozbay Ozyilmaz S, Gul M, Ak Yildirim H, Kayapinar O, Gokturk K,
Aksu H, Erkanli K, Missing A. Predictive values of D-dimer assay, GRACE scores and
TIMI scores for adverse outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction without STsegment elevation. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2017;13:393–400. doi:
*Emrah Ermis, Sinem Ozbay Ozyilmaz, Emre Salabas, Cem Senol, Mahir Cengiz, Samir
Allahverdiyev, Hakan Ucar. The relationship between erectile dysfunction and
plasma atherogenic index. IJIR: your journal of sexual medicine


*2007: Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Undergraduate
*2012: Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Cardiology,


*2007-2012: Faculty of Medicine, University of Uludag
(specialization in cardiology), research assistant
*2012-2016: Istanbul Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Training and Research Hospital Mehmet Akif Ersoy (cardiology
specialist), specialist
*2016-2017: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Biruni
(medical specialist in cardiology), specialist

Other Doctor

CARDIOLOGY Prof.Dr.Hakan Uçar

Coronary Angiography
Peripheral angiography
Cardiac battery
Removal procedures
Heart valve interventions
Treatment of heart failure
Treatment of hyperlipidemia
Hypertension Treatment

CARDIOLOGY Doç.Dr.Emrah Ermiş

Coronary Angiography
Peripheral angiography
Cardiac battery
Removal procedures
Heart valve interventions
Treatment of heart failure

CARDIOLOGY Dr.Samir Allahverdiyev

Coronary Angiography
Heart failure
Heart valve diseases