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Area of interest
*Obesity surgery
*Reflux surgery
*Tumor surgery
*Breast surgery
*Anal fissure
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty competence in medicine
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical School General Surgery
*1995-1996: Istanbul Balkan Private Hospital
*1996-2017: Istanbul Dogan Private Hospital
*2017-…: Florya Medical Park
Dr.Ergün Eskioğlu
Obesity Surgery
Treatments during the year.
Reflux Surgeries
Treatments during the year.
Tumor Surgeries
Treatments during the year.
Anal Fissure Surgeries
Treatments during the year.
*D1. Comparison of diagnostic peritoneal lavage and diagnostic laparoscopy in
abdominal trauma. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Cemalattin Ertekin, Dr. Kayihan Gunay, Dr.
Korhan Taviloglu, Dr. Recep Güloğlu National Journal of Traumatology and
Emergency Surgery Vol3 Issue 1: 78-87,1997
*D2. Evaluation of 278 cases of blunt liver injury. Kayihan Gunay, Dr. Korhan
Taviloglu, Dr. Kubilay Kemertas; Dr. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Ömer Türel Güloğlu National
Journal of Traumatology and Emergency Surgery Vol.1 Number 1;1-6,1995
*D3. Comparison of Laparoscopic and Open Appendectomy: A Prospective
Randomized Evaluation of 80 Cases Dr. Kayihan Gunay, Dr. Korhan Taviloglu, Dr.
Cemalettin Ertekin, Dr. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Omer Ardaman, Dr. Ömer Türel Journal of
Endoscopic Surgery- laparoscopic and minimally invasive Vol 3: 25-30, 1996
*D4. Factors Affecting Mortality in Penetrating Heart Injury Kayıhan Günay, Dr.
Korhan Taviloglu, Dr. Orhan Shad, Dr. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Cemalettin Ertekin Güloğlu
National Journal of Traumatology and Emergency Surgery Vol.1 Issue 1:47- 50, 1995
*D5. Electric burns 6 years of experience Kayıhan Günay, Dr. Korhan Taviloglu, Dr.
Orhan Shad, Dr. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Cemalettin Ertekin Güloğlu National Journal of
Traumatology and Emergency Surgery Vol1 Issue 1: 97-101, 1995
*D6. Uncontrollable bleeding in penetrating gluteal injuries Kayıhan Günay, Dr.
Korhan Taviloglu, Dr. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Izzet Rozanès, Dr. Mehmet Kurtoğlu
Güloğlu National Journal of Traumatology and Emergency Surgery Vol1 Number 2:
Academic Articles
*D7. Epidemiology and Mortality Study in Burn Patients Kayıhan Günay, Dr. Korhan
Taviloglu, Dr. Orhan Shad, Dr. Ergun Eskioglu, Dr. Cemalettin Ertekin Güloğlu National
Journal of Traumatology and Emergency Surgery Vol.1 Issue 2: 205-208,1995
*Obesity surgery
*Reflux surgery
*Tumor surgery
*Breast surgery
*Anal fissure
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty competence in medicine
*Istanbul University Istanbul Medical School General Surgery
*1995-1996: Istanbul Balkan Private Hospital
*1996-2017: Istanbul Dogan Private Hospital
*2017-…: Florya Medical Park